Hi! I’m Kendra.
I’m a Christ-follower and writer; wife to Jordan, mom to Hadley, Adrienne, and Maximus. I’m a city girl at heart, with North Dakota roots; I love a grand adventure but always seem to find my way back home. I’m a Content Director, seminary grad, former Women’s Ministry director, occasional speaker, and learner of all the things.
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Why I write
I spent a lot of years believing I didn’t fit in the church, so I write here to build bridges for women like me — for those of us who are strong and sometimes loud, ambitious and a little restless; for those of us who are bleeding in the corners, wondering if we’re forever unclean.
I write to extend an invitation — to myself, and to you — to life lived coram Deo: before God’s face. Because, hidden in Christ, there’s no need to cower in the shadows. I write to invite us into the life God intends for us: lived in view of his mercies, united to Christ and anchored in the Scriptures — a life marked by joy, courage, and freedom.
I write to process this life in light of the gospel in hopes that I might be an example of God’s perfect patience and mercy. To him be the glory.